Managing Conduct Disorder with Homeopathy


Conduct Disorder is a type of Behavioral and Emotional Disorder, seen in around 2–5% in children between 5–12 years and 5–9% in adolescents (between 13–18 years). Considered as most common disruptive behavior disorder in children it affects boys more frequently than girls. Conduct disorder can start in childhood itself or in adolescent age.

While in Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), child or adolescent has problem with any person who holds authority in his life like parents, teachers; in Conduct Disorder it gets more worse where people describe the child as “bad” or “delinquent”.

Symptoms of Conduct Disorder –
  • Aggression
  • Threatening others
  • Bullying
  • Destructiveness/ Vandalism
  • Mean or cruel to others or animals and hurts them
  • Stealing/ Lying/ Cheating/Arson
  • Indulging in forceful sexual activity
  • Violation of rules
  • Running away from house

Behavior of person suffering from Conduct disorder goes against the rules and norm of the society. Such symptoms unless addressed by professional care and treatment in time can lead to adjustment issues in adulthood and holding job and relationships.

The cause of Conduct disorder can be anything like brain damage, genetic disorders, bad childhood, abuse, traumatic experience, deficit in cognitive activity etc.

Homeopathy for Conduct Disorder

Homeopathy being safe, non addictive and non toxic has wonderful role in children suffering from Conduct Disorder. Homeopathic treatment is based on individualization and hence, Homeopathy treats each child as unique and treatment is specially formulated according to his or needs.

There are many significant homeopathic remedies for treating Conduct Disorder e.g. Anacardium Orientale, Syphilinum, Belladonna, Hyoscyamus, Cantharis, HeparSulph, Tarentula Hispanica,Stramonium, Chamomilla and Veratrum Album etc.

This is highly advised & recommended that above list of medicines is just for general knowledge objective and medicines/treatment should be taken under experienced homeopathy consultant only as treatment may vary person to person. Hope you found this article useful.

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