
Homoeopathy Treatment

Homoeopathy is a scientific system of medicine based on the principle "Similia Similibus Curentur". This is a word in Latin which means “let similar things take care of similar things”. Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, a German Physician articulated its basic principles and organized Homeopathy as a new medical system in early 18th century. The similia principle is based on the ancient wisdom that the substances that could produce a set of symptoms in health could also cure the same set of symptoms.
Homeopathy is based on the observation that substances that are capable of causing disorders of the mind or body in healthy people can be used in dilute form as medicines to treat similar disorders in someone who is ill, whatever the cause of the illness. Allium cepa derived from onions can be taken as an example. Contact with raw onions causes lacrimation, stinging and irritation around the eyes and nose. Allium cepa can therefore be prescribed to patients with hay fever with the same symptoms. The key to successful homeopathic treatment is identifying the similarity between the effects of the original substance in healthy people and the pattern of the illness in the individual who is ill. This is called the similia principle. Homeopathic medicines must be customized to match the individual with that disease, a process that is called ‘individualisation’. The very same disease in another patient will most often be cured with an entirely different medicine. Thus we could have two different medicines that cure two different patients with identical conventional diagnoses. The word ‘individualisation’ is emphasized because any particular disease or illness, although it may have a particular form of pathology, actually manifests itself differently in individual patients. The pattern of clinical symptoms and signs will differ in some details from person to person. This is true of the actual condition itself, but even more so if incidental factors like changes in mood, thirst, appetite, reaction to temperature, and other body functions are taken into account. The characteristic actions of the homeopathic medicine must match these individual characteristics of the illness if it is to have a therapeutic effect. Homeopathy is based on the philosophy that the body, mind and emotions are not really separate and distinct, but are actually fully integrated. Based on this perspective, a homeopathic doctor seeks a medicine that fits all of a patient’s physical and psychological symptoms. The action of homeopathic medicines is to enable the natural self-regulating mechanisms in the mind and body to function more efficiently, and to mobilize and reinforce the healing resources, which already naturally exist. Actually, instead of defeating or covering up diseases, it facilitates healing. Choosing the right prescription is like choosing the precise key needed to switch on this process. Homeopathy does not seek to remove or suppress symptoms. Its goal is to recognize and remove the underlying cause of these symptoms. This is why a homeopathic doctor will work towards understanding the whole person — including their body, mind and emotional state — before prescribing a medicine. When accurately implemented, homeopathic treatment can elicit a profound healing response. Homeopathy can be extremely effective in treating chronic and long-term health problems. Prescribing medicines of botanical origin is not identical with homeopathy. In phytotherapy the plant extracts are used in their crude form and not potentised as in homeopathy, nor is the law of similars considered. Homeopathy is also to be distinguished from anthroposophic medicine. In anthroposophic medicine homeopathic medicines can be used among other medicines, but their prescription is not based on the law of similars.
Homeopathy treats states of ill-health, it does not treat ailments. Of course, in transforming a state of ill-health into a state of health, many, if not most, ailments resolve, but homeopathic doctors do not treat ailments per se. The therapeutic results depend on the extent to which the organism (human being or animal) has the potential to repair. Homeopathic medicines are supposed to induce a process of reorganisation of vital functions by stimulating this self-regulation mechanism, which means that a complete cure is possible in cases where only functional derangement has caused the symptoms. The more structural the changes that have been caused by the deregulation, the more partial a recovery will be. Limitations are specific surgical indications, deficiency diseases and very serious diseases in which gross anatomical changes have evolved. If the tissue damage has become irreversible, homeopathy may only have a palliative or relieving effect. Homeopathy can be successfully used to treat a wide range of disorders, the most frequently treated among them are asthma, allergies, eczema, psoriasis, urticaria, acne, alopecia, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, irritable bowel, ulcerative colitis, all kinds of inflammations, migraine, headache, hypertension, angina pectoris, chronic fatigue syndrome (ME), depression and anxiety. Homeopathy can offer therapeutic options where conventional treatments have failed or plateaued, where they do not exist for the problem, or where they are contraindicated or not tolerated.
Modern homeopathic doctors make a conventional diagnosis like all other doctors. History taking, examination and investigation are all important in establishing the diagnosis – in understanding just what is wrong. However, homeopathic doctors consider a wider range of aspects of the patient’s condition – personality traits, physical features, appetite, likes and dislikes, the regularity of bodily functions, the effects of a variety of environmental influences, patterns of disease within families, and family and social relationships. Your activities, occupational and recreational, will be discussed, along with your emotional state. Finding the appropriate homeopathic medicine depends on gaining a complete understanding of the patient as a whole person. This means that the homeopathic doctor must take note of the physical, mental and emotional levels of each person before deciding on a correct medicine. In chronic diseases the homeopathic doctor will schedule follow-up visits approximately four to six weeks after the first interview and medicine prescription. In simple cases, a patient will feel significantly better after the first treatment. The follow-up visits are used to determine what additional methods or medicines are required. It may be required to use more than one medicine sequentially so that balance and full health can be restored. Individualised homeopathy only applies one medicine at a time. What you will experience when you receive the correct medicine can include the disappearance of specific symptoms, more energy, stronger immune system functions, and a sense of increased well-being. Homeopathic treatments have rapid and far-reaching effects. Even if the changes require time to develop, they usually are long lasting.
Although it is not precisely understood how homeopathic medicines work, there is clear evidence that the medicines are active and can be curative. Homeopathic medicines also have been shown to work on babies and on animals (including dogs, cats, horses and cows) where it is highly unlikely that they are acting as a placebo. The documented results from thousands of experienced homeopathic practitioners and from millions of their patients clearly show that these small individualized doses produce profound health benefits. It is important to know that the small doses used by homeopathic doctors only have an effect when a person has a hypersensitivity to the small doses given. If the wrong medicine is given to a person, nothing happens. If the correct medicine is given, the medicine acts as a catalyst to the person’s defences. In any case, homeopathic medicines do not have side effects.
No, although trust is important in any doctor-patient relationship and any treatment, conventional or homeopathic, has a context or placebo effect, homeopathy is more than a placebo effect. Here are some powerful examples: Babies: Homeopathic medicines are successfully used by parents for common disorders such as colic, teething pain and infections. Animals: There are many veterinarians using homeopathic medicines to treat domestic pets such as cats, dogs and birds, as well as livestock animals like goats, horses and cows. Millions of people across the world use and rely on homeopathic medicines. Today there is a rapidly growing number of conventional medical doctors using homeopathic medicines or referring patients to homeopathic doctors.
The small doses used in homeopathic medicines make them extremely safe, also for infants, pregnant women or the aged. They do not have the side effects associated with many conventional prescription drugs, which is one of the reasons for the popularity of homeopathy among patients. The vast majority of homeopathic medicines are officially recognized as ‘over-the-counter (OTC) medicines’ and thus any person can order them without a prescription. Because they are recognized as medicinal products, their manufacture is regulated by the National Drug Regulatory Agencies to guarantee their quality and safety.
It is possible to take them together, although the homeopathic medicines often work fast and well enough that the person does not need to take conventional prescription drugs. Moreover, homeopathy can often be used as a first option in certain problems, keeping potentially toxic conventional treatment as a second option. Homeopathic treatment is compatible with other existing medication, but a homeopathic doctor seeks to reduce medication to a minimum.
Everyone can treat simple common acute conditions by self-prescribing homeopathic medicines. These can be single homeopathic medicines – with the aid of a homeopathic handbook – or, which is often much easier, with ‘combination medicines’ or ‘complex medicines’. The latter contain several different homeopathic medicines that are most commonly prescribed for specific diseases. These combination medicines are popular because they are so easy to prescribe. The treatment of chronic illness as well as more serious acute illness, however, requires the assistance of an experienced doctor with specific training in homeopathy.
In acute diseases such as acute inflammations homeopathic medicines usually act quickly. In chronic diseases homeopathic medicines start working immediately, but complete cure may take considerably more time. In contrast to conventional prescription drugs that act promptly but often only suppress the disease symptoms, homeopathic medicines mobilize and reinforce the healing resources, which already naturally exist.
It is a false notion that homoeopathic medicines act slow. One of the reasons for such a mis conception could be due to the fact that inspite of its tremendous potential to cure common acute aliments, Homoeopathy is being widely used for treatment of long term ailments. The long term diseases take more time to recover than acute diseases. A well selected Homeopathic remedy act very fast in acute diseases also Commonly people resort to Homeopathic treatment when their ailment becomes more and chronic, or when there is a difficult condition, which defies conventional treatment or there is a proposed surgical treatment which is unavoidable. Naturally, these conditions will take some time to be cured. Even then, by its effectiveness and successes, it has earned good reputation and patronage. The use of these medicines in Government dispensaries in various localities has proved their quick effect where majority of patients come only for acute problems like diarrhea, fever, cough, cold and pains
Yes the patient is only advised to avoid eating or drinking 15 minutes before or after taking homeopathic medication. One has to avoid coffee, raw onion and raw garlic. Also avoid eating mint, camphor and menthol as these can hinder the action of the homeopathic medicine or antidote the effects of the medicine.
No. The patient should not stop the medicines which he has been taking. It should be tapered gradually once the patient is improving but this should be done in consultation with the treating physician. In some cases where the other medicine cannot be discontinued, both the medicines have to be continued for the benefit of the patient. The treatment should be planned and properly implemented.
Yes. It is always better to take homeopathic medicines from a qualified homeopathic doctor. If the treatment is planned in a proper way it will have lots of benefits to the mother and the child. The child will be much healthier and the medicines will help to fight the hereditary diseases which are carried from generation to generation. In fact if homeopathy is given during pregnancy, the delivery would be normal and easier. The child will be relatively healthier and emotionally well balanced, intellectually sound and physically stronger.
Yes. It is very essential to diagnose a disease, but for the selection of the remedy we require to know the characteristic symptoms of the patient and not the disease symptoms. For e.g. If a person is having an attack of asthma, he will be having wheezing and congestion of the chest and he gets relief only if he throws his head backwards. Wheezing and congestion of chest are symptoms of the disease but for the selection of the remedy the important symptom is 'relief by throwing head backwards'. Hence to differentiate the disease symptoms with the individual characteristic symptoms good knowledge of disease is important. The pathological investigations are also important to judge the improvement, know disease diagnosis and the prognosis.
The name of the medicine is not disclosed for the benefit of the patient. If the patient after knowing the name of the medicines starts taking it according to his or her whims and fancies; it will distort the disease picture and in the future treatment of the patient will be much more difficult. Also certain medicines have to be changed and given as per the state of the disease and recovery.If the patient wants a copy of case record can be provided to the patient but at the end of the treatment, when patient has completely recovered or decides to stop or change the physician.
Usually not. The duration of the treatment depends upon the nature of the disease and the fighting capacity of the patient's body. The treatment is required for a certain time period so as to improve the resistance of the body to fight diseases. Taking into consideration all these factors the treatment is continued for a certain time frame for the benefit of the patient. Once the patient starts improving we stop the medicines and the natural immunity and control mechanism of the body will take care of the rest of the problems.
There are about 3000 medicines and 10 variable potencies (powers of medicines) of each medicine so minimum 30,000 various permutation and combinations are utilized.What seems so is not true. The white pills which are dispensed from a homeopath are only neutral vehicles or carriers of actual medicines that is sprinkled on them.When the actual drug is poured on these white pills they get coated with the curative power of the drug. Different drugs are usually poured in various differing potencies as to best suit different patients.
Yes. There are more than 180 homeopathic medical colleges in India and about 1000 colleges all over the world recognized by their respective Governments. The degree course is an extensive study encompassing the detailed and thorough study of the human body, Homeopathic pharmacy, Medicine, Gynaecology, Materia Medica, Philosophy, Total patient management etc. In India the full course lasts for four and half years followed by internship for 1year, which includes practical training in hospitals.
Homeopathy is holistic medicine. Homeopaths do not treat physical, emotional and mental illnesses separately, but regard them as intimately connected. These are all aspects of the whole of the patient’s suffering. Further, they understand that symptoms of illnesses are evidence of the body’s natural and automatic efforts to heal itself. These clues are used to guide them when prescribing a remedy. So, the patient may be asked questions about all sorts of apparently minor deviations from health and about character and personality traits. It may appear that the homeopath is interested in matters that have little to do with the particular complaint about which the patient is most concerned. This is because, before prescribing, the homeopath wants a complete overview of the patient. A remedy is then prescribed for that individual patient and not for his or her disease. Therefore, homeopathy is truly holistic.
A homeopathic remedy acts as a signal which energizes or stimulates the body's healing power, mobilizing the defense systems and working in the mental, emotional and physical aspects of the being. Just as a television produces images of the program it has been tuned, so is a sick person very much in tune or sensitive to the correct remedy and only a minute stimulus from the correct signal (or remedy) is required. Therefore, in homeopathy, only one remedy (or signal) is used at a time. The idea is to cure with the minimum amount of medicine and with the minimum amount of intervention. For the same reason, it is not possible to take an overdose of homeopathic remedies in the same way as in allopathy. Homeopathic remedies are not therefore intrinsically dangerous. Nonetheless, they are clearly capable of stimulating the body’s reactive forces powerfully and should be treated with respectHomeopathy remedies are prescribed to the Law of Similars which states" That which makes sick shall heal". For instance, we know that when cutting a strong smelling onion we often experience an acrid running nose, a soreness in the throats and stinging, watery eyes. A homeopath will prescribe Allium cepa (made from onion) for patients who suffer from cold and a sore throat with similar symptoms. This Law of Similar has been part of medical practice since ancient times but homeopathy (similar & suffering) as we know it today was first formulated two hundred years ago by a German physician, chemist and linguist, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann.

Payments & Consultation

Yes, It is recommended considering covid safety measures. You can payment through multiple channels online and book an appointment.
Yes, Paytm option is available.
You can pay through Netbanking, IMPS or via Account Payee Cheque.
Consultation fees is Rs. 400 for indian citizens and valid for 5 days. Customer can followup without any charge if needs assistance within 5 days of consultation.
Sure, you can consult through video conferencing by booking a time slot for consultation. You can call and confirm about your payments and schedule an appointment. Online consultation is most popular now a days.
Yes, It is recommended and will be useful. You need to convey full past history of patient that will be helpful in correct diagnosis. Please keep handy all of your past medical reports while thinking for online consultation appointment.
Yes, as per diagnosis and treatment process, we take care of providing medicines and deliver you required medicines. Medicines and delivery expenses will be on patient but homeopathy medinces are not much costly comparative to other therapies.
Sure, As a registered homeopathic practitioner and consultant we provide prescription and all the treatment bills which you may claim from your health insurance company or Govt. policy.

Myths & Facts

Fact: Many scientific clinical trials have proved that homeopathic medicines are far above the placebo effect. The curative effect of homeopathic medicine has been observed in millions of cases with wonderful results, so saying that Homeopathy is placebo is irrational.
Fact: What seems so is not true. The white pills are only neutral vehicles or carriers of actual medicine that is sprinkled on them. The potent medicine coats the white pills. Different remedies can be prescribed in various potencies to best suit different patients. There are about 3000 medicines and 10 variable potencies (powers of medicines) of each medicine so a minimum of 30,000 various permutation and combinations can be utilized.
Fact: Not really. Homeopathic medicines act rapidly and the effect lasts much longer, as the disease is eradicated from its roots. The time taken for relief depends on the chronicity of the disease.
Fact: It is a myth that homeopathy is slow to act, and when people see excellent and quick results in acute and chronic cases, they feel that homeopathic medicines contain steroids. But it is not true at all. Homeopathic medicines are prepared from natural substances and are sweet. Steroids taste bitter and so THERE ARE NO STEROIDS in homeopathic medicines.
Fact: Homeopathy has wonderful remedies to give quick relief in acute conditions like fever, cold and cough, pneumonia, diarrhoea, migraine, injuries, etc. However, it is important to note that you must consult a qualified homeopathic physician to get correct guidance.
Fact: Over the years, it has been seen that infections can be wonderfully abated and controlled with just homeopathic medicines, without the aid of antibiotics. Moreover, there is absolutely no chance of drug resistance in Homeopathy, unlike antibiotic medications.
Fact: Homeopathic medicines are absorbed from the tongue and the inner lining of the mouth hence patients are asked not to eat or drink anything 15 minutes before and 15 minutes after taking the medicine. Also, it is advisable to cut down on raw onion, raw garlic, strong coffee and mint as they may antidote some of the medicine. These are the only food restrictions.
Fact: Homeopathic medicines can be taken along with other medications without any fear of side effects and complications. Homeopathic medicines also help in reducing the side effects of conventional therapies like in case of cancer. Homeopathic medicines will help in alleviating the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy also. "The doctor might ask you to restrict certain medicines incase they interfere with the treatment or affect the judgement of the treatment."
Fact: Surgical treatment of conditions like warts, piles and kidney stones do not guarantee any form of long-lasting recovery, especially if a tendency to develop such conditions is present in the patient. Correct homeopathic treatment can not only take care of the present attack, but will also eliminate the tendency to recurrence.
Fact: Homeopathic medicines do not contain glucose (harmful in diabetics). They are made of a complex sugar called lactose. The actual amount of sugar in homeopathic medicines consumed over a period of one week is not more than one teaspoon. And still if the patient disagrees to this, homeopathic medicines can be taken in liquid form which is not sweet. Though, there might be certain food restrictions specific to your disease.